Leitax EF adaper (original mount is Nikon F-mount)
Front 80mm for clamp-on mattebox
Solid 0.8 Focus Gear
De-Clicked Iris
The lens looks great. Focus and Iris rings slides smoothly. Super clean optics. No scratches. No mold. There is a small dust particle inside the lens that does not affect the photos,but can be easily cleaned by any service shop.
The Zeiss Classic ZF (ZF.2) series shares the same optical elements as the Zeiss CP.2/CP.3. Different from the ZE (EF mount), the ZF line has manual iris, making the Zeiss Classic (ZF/ZF.2) an affordable option to build a high quality cine style set.
Zeiss ZF 25mm f|2.8 Cinemod
Zeiss ZF 25mm f|2.8 Cinemod
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Zeiss ZF 25mm f|2.8 Cinemod